There are 2 different types of traveling... Vacations and Trips.
I'm a big tripper. Trips are go go go, exploring new places, maybe not relaxing much, but feeling exhilarated at the end of it all. Sometimes, even coming home and feeling like you need a vacation!
Vacations are for relaxing- experiencing the culture of a new island, tasting the food, dancing and laughing, and spending time by a pool or beach. I'm getting better at vacationing as I get older, but I'm still a work in progress.
I'm starting this site to document all of my travels. I've been told I travel a lot, and at this point, I get a lot of questions on where I went, what I did, how I got there, how much it cost, etc. As the sands of time continue to drip through the hourglass, I must admit, it's all starting to run together. Hopefully this site can remind me of how I did it all, and give others ideas on how they can do it too! Traveling to other countries, even other cities, can be intimidating at times. Hopefully this can help guide others and give them the confidence to travel wisely. I'm hoping to include friends and families journeys as well - so I can hear all about all different types of travels for all ranges of ages, budgets, interests, etc. Hope you enjoy!