How I Prefer to Travel
I feel like over the past 10 years of traveling, I have a pretty good idea of how to do things and what I'm comfortable with. Here are some first hand traveling tips from yours truly:
I will pay extra for direct flights out of my home airport Philadelphia, PA. I hate connections, I try to avoid them as much as possible. They are always added stress.
I will try to stay loyal to certain hotel chains or airlines to accumulate points for freebies. Currently this includes American Airlines and Hilton Hotels. I usually opt for Airbnb or Homeaway rentals when I'm traveling with groups, or when I'm in one place for a long time and might need to do laundry. I opt for Hilton hotels for work travel, or places where I might need a concierge's help getting around the area.
During work trips, I try to book hotels that have access to running trails. I don't care so much about this on vacation.
Hotels with free breakfast- just do it.
I get very anxious on flights over 10+ hours. This doesn't happen too often.
I still hate flying even after doing it a billion times, and I still can't sleep on planes unless I take a very strong sleeping pill. Also I never travel without noise cancelling headphones and an eye mask. A white noise app to listen to with your noise cancelling headphones is also really helpful for attempting to sleep upright.
I wear a jacket, leggings/jeans with my running shoes on flights - these all take up the most amount of room in my bags. I will pack a change of clothes in a backpack if I'm flying somewhere hot to change in the airport bathroom when I've landed.
Entertainment on flights- you can never count on this. I bring my own- I download podcasts, TV shows I have on my DVR from the Xfinity Stream app, or I buy and download movies off of Itunes. American also has the Gogo inflight app where you can watch their programs on your phone.
I try to never check bags, I buy all my shampoos/conditioners/sunblock that I can't fit in a small clear bag when I get to my destination, and have gotten much better at packing light for trips (or I book a place that has a washer/dryer).
I will pay extra for easy transportation (like a taxi) if I'm jetlagged and I land somewhere- it is usually way less stressful than trying to figure out the local subway or bus schedule. However, I'm down for public transit the rest of the trip usually.